Zentachain & Substrate Framework

Zentachain & Substrate Framework

About Substrate Framework

Substrate comes from Parity Technologies and is an open source, expandable and modular framework for building blockchains. It's an important component of the Polkadot project. In order to efficiently build many different blockchains, Parity developers put all the functionalities needed to build a blockchain into a framework called Substrate.

Zentanetwork will be developed with the Substrate Framework

Communication must be constantly brought up to date - we are talking about Zentalk. Zentalk is a highly secure hybrid encryption technology, decentralized, and a peer-to-peer messenger application. So Zentalk needs the Zentameshnet for the offline-to-offline communication, and the Zentameshnet needs the Zentanodes to stabilize the offline communication, whereby these are rewarded with Zentachain($CHAIN) with the reward consensus which is the solution.  In short, we need to ensure that the Zentanodes are running permanently and Zentameshnet can be available for more decentralization.

Forkless upgrade with Substrate for Zentanetwork

Communication needs a forkless upgrade this is why Substrate allows us to customize the perfect blockchain for Zentalk, Zentameshnet, and many other products of Zentachain. To update Zentanetwork we have to do is only upload a new version of Wasm blob through as a transaction.

In a PoS consensus network, a group of validators will form the new chain together. They will propose and vote on the next block, and the weight of each validator's vote will depend on the size of their deposit. The key benefits of PoS include security, reduced centralization risk, and its energy efficiency. Validators have the goal of securing the Zentanetwork and must keep following the rules of the network by always being ready to validate new blocks and of course not trying to cheat or attack the network. A rule violation is punished with punishment as slashing.

If the consensus algorithm detects a rule violation of a validator, it reduces or removes the staked tokens completely. The amount of the sanction depends on the severity of your misconduct. If we update or change anything of the Zentanetwork, it is that a single party cannot do the update or changes. It is only required after approval by at least a majority of the parties or validators. From the next block, Zentanetwork will use the new network logic as part of its updated runtime until a new version is needed again.

Substrate is very efficient and important for the Zentameshnetwork

We would like to point out that if the network is not so strongly supported. What we can do is that with one forkless update we can ensure that more interest in the Zentanodes is achieved. Remember the Antminers, they are very expensive and not energy efficient. The level of difficulty of Bitcoin is not always the same, it is constantly increasing. Zentanodes will not have increasing difficulties, they will always have the same degree of difficulty, so they will be sold in limited quantities for every country.

Why Zentalk needs a blockchain?

Zentalk needs its blockchain so that we can ensure that people support us on the path of decentralized data storage and communication. Suppose we were to make them send messages as transactions through the blockchain. There would be no sense in paying a transaction fee for each message in the blockchain. This is also the reason why many companies fail in the communication of blockchain. The network support must come from outside the blockchain, not just the blockchain in itself. Thanks to the substrate framework we can save a lot of time and deliver our main vision definitively.

Thanks & Best Regards Zentachain Team!