We look forward to receiving your feedback as we continue to work on integrating you into the Zentachain ecosystem. Shortly, Zentachain will be releasing the staking dashboard.
The beta tokens of CHAIN will be sent to your wallet address after you fill out the form that we have to provide to you. Therefore, users must use a Web3 wallet, such as Metamask, Trust wallet, Brave Wallet, or MEW Wallet. Make sure you have Rinkeby testnet Ethereum to be able to transfer CHAIN, stake, unstake, claim rewards, and restake.
We would appreciate it if you would enter the Zentachain platform with the CHAIN tokens you have received. As a result for staking and take a walk around the Zentachain Dashboard, ensuring that the UI, the functionality, and the application are all in a positive state.
The Staking Dashboard will be released as part of the upcoming announcement, and of course, we are still on the way to completing the project. Also, we would appreciate your feedback on how we can improve the dashboard for you in the future.
Rinkeby Ethereum
The Ethereum testnet of Rinkeby can be get from:

Register Form
Thanks & Best Regards Zentachain Team!