The Zentamesh-network is a network topology in which each node relays data for the network. Zentachain implements .cjdns- nodes an encrypted IPv6 network using public-key cryptography for address allocation and a distributed hash table for routing. This provides near-zero-configuration networking and prevents many of the security and scalability issues that plague existing networks.
All Zentamesh nodes cooperate in the distribution of data in the network. Devices that are using Zentalk act as Zentanodes on the Zentameshed-network. These nodes have the unique ability to interconnect with one another in a distributed fashion.
The Zentamesh network can relay messages using either a flooding technique or a routing technique. With routing, the message is propagated along a path by hopping from Zentanode to Zentanode until it reaches its destination. To ensure all its paths' availability, the network must allow for continuous connections and must reconfigure itself around broken paths, using self-healing algorithms such as Shortest Path Bridging. Self-healing allows a routing-based network to operate when a Zentanode breaks down or when a connection becomes unreliable. As a result, the network is typically quite reliable, as there is often more than one path between a source and a destination in the Zentanetwork. Although mostly used in wireless situations, this concept can also apply to wired networks and to software interaction.
An example of the common meshed network technologies used in everyday life would be wireless domotica (like the Z-wave protocol). If you register a new Zentanode in your house and let's say a new light bulb, the device pairs with the control center through a self-configured meshed network. Each new devices are new nodes in the Zentamesh, relaying the data communication. Common mesh networks are typically wireless however Zentamesh is about the blockchain-based network topology and less about infrastructure.
Zentalk achieves technological darkness, this means only highly encrypted Metadata is shortly kept and afterward automatically unrecoverably removed. This is achieved through the integration of the Zentameshed network and its architecture. Zentalk pushes, drags, and tunnels all messages and data through the Zentamesh network. This ensures that any messages shared between the sender and recipient have the highest levels of their privacy.
The Zentamesh network, each network node is connected to one or more nodes. When multiple nodes are interconnected, this is known as a fully meshed network. When a message is sent from Zentalk and the data is sent through the Zentamesh network and is passed from one node to the next until the message has reached the desired recipient. By design nodes in the Zentameshed network don't know which node sent which message or exactly which node receives said message. This leads to total anonymity for the communication between the sender and the recipient. Zentalk users will not be rewarded by transferring just a single message. Zentalk will reward all the Zentanodes with The Zenta Token each month. That means you will need to host a Zentanode and run it permanently which is very energy efficient and friendly.
The Zentameshed network has self-healing properties that contribute to the ability to achieve censorship resistance. Self-healing means if a Zentanode connection is blocked or disabled on the network Zentamesh network can patch and reroute around the lost Zentanodes. The data is redirected and the network is still functional.
The Zentamesh networks can be applied to both wired and wireless networks as well the Zentalk will establish the Zentameshed MWLAN (Mobile Wireless Local Access Network). This MWLAN is achieved through the use of nodes Zentameshed WiFi. This will be required for offline communications. This means that the Zentalk user has the ability to establish and share a network uplink (online to offline), as well as establish communication with devices with no internet access (offline to offline). This can be accomplished with little to no direct infrastructure.
Zentanodes are active network components like cell phones, routers, switches, bridges and gateways. Zentanodes are a connection point in the Zentameshnetwork. This can either be a redistribution point or an endpoint in the data transfer. It has the feature to discover, process and forward transmissions to other network Zentanodes. A network node has at least two, but usually more connections to other network elements. On Zentalk, the role of a node will be the connected device with the running peer-to-peer messenger dApp on a mobile phone, tablet, or computer.
3 Reasons why for using Zentamesh technology
1. Network stability
The data in the (wireless) Zentamesh network can be forwarded through various nodes If one or some of the nodes are faulty or disturbed, the data is routed through other Zentanodes on the ecosystem.
2. High bandwidth
Zentamesh network is designed to follow the most optimal (dynamic) routes, allowing a higher bandwidth. With the increase in the number of nodes and the number of possible paths, the overall bandwidth is greatly increased.
3. Safety and Security
Compared with the single-hop mechanism of MWLAN, the multi-hop mechanism of a Zentamesh network determines that the user communication needs to go through several nodes.