Why companies trace users and customers?
Did you know that almost all free social media applications are not free, but rather expensive? Well, you are permitted to use these applications in exchange for your confidential and personal information for money. Yeah, that's right. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp are the top of these companies. By following the browsers you use, accessing your transaction history, they follow what you like, what you don't like, what music you listen to. So every transaction you have done through the internet is recorded and you are being watched at any moment. Just as you leave a footprint when you walk in the snow, you leave a mark on the internet because of every click, every like and every comment.
Why companies trace you?
Recently, the word "Knowledge is power" has already begun to turn into "data is power". Indeed, when we ask ourselves this question, we can understand that it is true. Why are the most important social media platforms free? Do you think it's for the good of the people? For people to benefit? Of course, we feel you say no. Because there is no easier way to capture users' data. And by accepting all the terms (with One Click) before we start using these applications, we give all our confidential and private information to these companies. You've seen a lot of news lately like; I saw my own picture on inappropriate websites. Why is that? Its because you gave out your information. And those companies sold your information to other companies for money, and of course you didn't know anything.
How companies trace you?
1. Facebook
Facebook tracks your browsing activity around the web with the "like" button. They're tracking your browsing activity whether you're a Facebook user or not. "If you're logged into Facebook and visit a website with the Like button, your browser sends us information about your visit Facebook's website says. Facebook collects the content, communications, and other information you provide when you use Facebook, including your registration for an account, creating or sharing content, and exchanging messages or communicating with others. This may include information about the content you provide or that is contained in it (such as metadata), such as the location where a photo was taken or the date a file was created. It may also include what you see through features provided by Facebook, such as the camera, so that Facebook can, for example, suggest masks and filters that you might like, or give you tips on how to use the high format.
Your username, password and E-mail address when you register for an Instagram account. Profile information that you provide for your user profile (e.g., first and last name, picture, phone number). This information allows us to help you or others be "found" on Instagram. User Content (e.g., photos, comments, and other materials) that you post to the Service. Communications between you and Instagram. For example, we may send you Service-related emails (e.g., account verification, changes/updates to features of the Service, technical and security notices). Note that you may not opt-out of Service-related E-Mails
How Instagram Can Find Your Friends?
Instagram says at their privacy policy: & If you choose, you can use our "Find friends" feature to locate other people with Instagram accounts either through (i) your contacts list, (ii) third-party social media sites or (iii) through a search of names on Instagram.
& If you choose to find your friends through (i) your device's contacts list, then Instagram will access your contacts list to determine whether or not someone associated with your contact is using Instagram. & If you choose to find your friends through a (ii) third-party social media site, then you will be prompted to set up a link to the third-party service and you understand that any information that such service may provide to us will be governed by this Privacy Policy.
3. Whatsapp
When we use WhatsApp, we have to give out some special information to WhatsApp because it dictates to us what to do. There are many disadvantages of using Whatsapp and we will talk about that in this news. Because we want to show you, Whatsapp is not really secure and you are not free while you are using this app. There are many WhatsApp security concerns. One of the primary issues is that it is owned by Facebook, and suffers many of the same privacy dangers and misinformation campaigns as their parent company. The other disadvantage of WhatsApp is that it cannot guarantee that conversations or files exchanged are confidential. WhatsApp gets all the information of our contacts, since we sent our phone number to the application in order to authorize(this is necessary and WhatsApp only identifies you via your number) it, our address book with the information for each contact (name, email address and all the details). Whatsapp stores users data insecurely and knows enough.