Hello, dear Zentachain Community,
Today is 28 May 2019 and Zentachain is 1 year old.
We are very happy and proud to share this happy day with you. Thanks to you, we are still working with great dedication and we are working with all our power to reveal a new product every day. Zentachain is taking firm steps forward by adding a new vision and purpose to the previous day.
And for this purpose, we believe that your support gives us the most important inspiration for us. While we are going on this difficult and valuable journey with you, the excitement that we have still continued and increases.
The first day we started our goals we have achieved step by step and we keep our promises with you in a transparent manner on all social media platforms by sharing. As we wrote in Whitepaper, we are very happy to have implemented our products respectively.
To make you feel more comfortable about your privacy and freedom, we would like to point out that we are attracting all the attention in this market by introducing a very valuable app like Zentalk. After that, we have introduced Zentaswap to show you that our targets are even bigger and to present our own blockchain. And then, we have developed our very simple and secure wallet, Zentawallet, so that you can store and send-receive your tokens at the same time.
In addition to these products, we are working on our own decentralized exchange, ZentaDex, in order to work independently and to protect our own value. And we have one more special product for you. It is Zentavault. Zentavault is a high-throughput encrypted and distributed file vault (encrypted storage) and transfer service. We are always working and trying to create a new product for you and Zentachain.
As promised, we continue our work without slowing down and the time it takes for our work to be paid is getting closer every day. Please continue to support us. And be our greatest supporter and let’s win and be happy together.
Your Zentachain Team says Thank you [Zentachain.io]