Last Updates about Zentachain

Esteemed Zentachain Community, we have prepared this news to inform you about the latest developments related to our project. As you know, our detailed research and work on Zentanode which will be used in Zentamesh network are ongoing. We are working currently on Zentanodes that will work most efficiently for the Zentachain ecosystem and the Zentamesh network and also can be integrated in the most compatible way to our Zentalk application. We would like to inform you that we address this issue with precision, taking into account all kinds of details, all kinds of user convenience and security.

Of course, we are working on the background not only on this matter but also on many others. The work on the IOS and Android versions of our Zentalk messenger application continue at top speed and we are working intensively. We follow the process very precisely in order not to cause any slightest problem in any issue. Therefore, all kinds of penetration tests continue. Since security is the most important concern we focus on, these works keep going by doing serious tests on this issue to make our system resistant to all kinds of cyberattacks. We are pleased to inform you about the latest updates. We look forward to your support.

Zentachain Team